Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Days Are Here Again...

Ahh, a return to relative normalcy! How nice it feels. I'd almost forgotten what it was like! My day alone helped, as did a couple of well placed phone calls and emails from Lucy (I swear, no one on Earth can make me laugh until I can't breathe like you can!). I've finished the vest I was working on, which I am SO proud of, because it's the first "large" thing I've made with any sort of shape. :) My parents are moving out of state in the next couple of weeks (6-8 hours away- depending on what part of the state they move to, to Pennsylvania), so I need to set up a new blog with our day to day happenings, funny things the girls have said, daily photos of random things, etc. because my mother will lose her mind if she doesn't remain a large part of the girls' lives. Also, she actually told me that I needed to move to PA with them. Um, no. LOL

Things making me laugh today? Lucy and pink eye (yes, still.), Laura getting her hair cut (Don't cut my eyebrows!!!), Maddy's Violet Beauregard face, and Jake trying to pronouce Grand Marnier (He said "grand mariner". I realize that this isn't nearly as funny in print as it was actually hearing it. But it cracked me up. "Grand Mariner? What is that?" I then pronounced it correctly and said "It's liquor." LOL)


Hermione Bagnold said...

Um, actually, that read just as funny to me as I'm sure it sounded...wanna know why?...When I read it, I pronounced it in my head the same way your husband did.....(are you laughing at me, yet?) ;) I'm glad to hear that things are better for you today!!! Yay for Lucy! :D

Jessica 7 said...

SO GLAD to hear about your happy day. The girls blog is cute.