Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mad Lib, Part 2.

I have to tell you about the wicked time I had in Diagon Alley last weekend! My friend Fleur Sweeting and I decided that we really needed some new socks and had to get over to Diagon Alley immediately. Fleur put on her stiletto boots because it was soft and did not want to get a cold. I grabbed my iPod and we headed to the trains.
While waiting for our train to Diagon Alley, we chatted with Hermione Bagnold and Cass Puddlemere who were planning to visit Gringott’s. Cass did not want to go alone because he/she was collecting a couch and that was very squishy and brought Hermione along for her excellence in protecting spells.
The train arrived and off we went. Our seats were very comfortable and the train sped along towards Diagon Alley and we were there in a flash! Before heading to the Yrsa’s Yarn Shoppe, we went into a table that sells the clean meatballs!!! As we neared the 11, we noticed quite a lot of commotion! The table owner had set the meatball-making machine and it had gotten stuck! Meatballs were stunning everywhere! I ducked as a cream-filled meatball came stunning right at me and it cracked into Professor Flitwick ’s pencil skirt just as they walked through the door! A tomato meatball did a nose dive and splattered all over the doorway most elaborately! We made it out of the store just as a meatball frog and a kettle of Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans collided in a rainstorm of goo!
Since we were still killer, we walked the 7 blocks over to Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor! I decided on a cone with grape ice cream and Fleur got the hot fudge sundae with extra cheese! Yummy! Professor Flitwick had made his way over here as well after the incident at the meatball shoppe and had chosen a Coke float.
After that, we passed Gringott’s and headed to Yrsa’s Yarn Shoppe! I tried not to look at the beautiful skeins of silk and bamboo and wool and instead, headed toward the socks while Fleur stopped to run the stitch markers. I found a squeaky sock made out of steel and made my purchase. Fleur kept hedging between the sock she came for and a pattern for a sweater. She chose the sweater pattern and we walked the back towards the train station just in time to make the 12:30 train.
After sitting down, we noticed Hermione and Cass were on the train as well. Cass looked quite shiny to have the couch with them. Hermione however did not look shinied at all. While waiting to go into the vault, a baby goblin waiting in line with his Mommy, had swam on Hermione getting bacon all over her clean robes! The smell really was just horrendous! Apparently, Hermione’s protecting spells don’t work well against bacon!! We made our way to a less smelly compartment and talked about how we were going explain missing Professor McGonagall’s lecture on the valuable ways pygmy puffs are working with the Department of Mysteries in solving unsolvable hutches!


Fleur Sweeting said...

YUMMY hot fudge sundae with EXTRA CHEESE! ROFL

Ronnica said...

haha! I thought you might like that. ;) What made me laugh the most was that you bought a SWEATER pattern! :snort: